To the casual onlooker, designing a restaurant may not seem to be that big of a deal. While the tricky part to some would be getting the right aesthetics, especially if the design is themed after the type of food the restaurant is serving, the other aspects of...
Construction & Maintenance
The First Steps in Water Restoration in Latham
There are many aspects of restoring a home after a significant water incursion. However, perhaps the most important aspect, not only to the immediate task of restoring the home but to future restoration services that may be required, is the removal of the water. As...
The Importance Of Mold Testing in Pittsburgh, PA
Mold testing in Pittsburgh PA, is beneficial to property owners as mold can be dangerous. People who live in homes with toxic forms of mold can develop all types of health problems. Breathing problems aren't uncommon when dealing with toxic mold. When exposed for long...
The Benefits Of Using A Grout Steam Cleaner
Anyone who has tile or natural stone flooring, backsplashes, countertops or bathroom fixtures has realized that grout cleaning can be a full-time job. This is particularly true if you have a busy household where people are constantly utilizing your natural stone or...
Traditional and Innovative High Temp Silicone Sealant
More and more companies that manufacture high-quality sealants and foams are beginning to see the advantage to innovation and creativity. Along with high temp silicone sealant for industrial settings, there are now many hybrid products available for homeowners seeking...